Moving Windmills Wraps Malawi Production

The Moving Windmills documentary production team returned to South Africa and Malawi this summer for a final shoot on the continent. In May, we were on-hand to capture the last few weeks of school for the inaugural class at the African Leadership Academy. In early June, William Kamkwamba (amongst his classmates) graduated from high school, with his family looking on from the audience.

The production team then traveled to Malawi for a two-week shoot in which we documented the installation of an off-grid power system at Wimbe Primary School’s newest classroom block. This block represents a collaboration between, Moving Windmills Project, and the Wimbe community. After the installation was complete, William and members of BuildOn participated in a “Key Presentation Ceremony” in which ownership of the new school building was officially handed over to the community.

{group theory} would like to thank the members of the Moving Windmills production team who traveled from the States to South Africa and Malawi this summer:
Director / Producer - Ben Nabors
DP - Anthony Mathile
On-site Editor - Jeff Turner


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